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Ücretsiz Üyelik Lexpera


Check our caselaw archive where you will find millions of decisions
Our rich caselaw archive is at your service, with the decisions of Supreme court of appeal, the decisions of council of state, regional court decisions

Find easily what you search
Reach your destination fast with our search function compatible with Turkish language and cross links

Check the legislation changes comparatively
Not only the main laws like Turkish Commercial Law, Civil Law or Labor Law but access to abrogated and the valid versions of legislation documents, follow and compare the changes on them.

Be informed about the newly added decisions and legislation changes
Set alarms according to your fields of interests and check the latest legislation changes and newly added decisions without any effort.

"Omnibus Bills" will not be your nightmare anymore
Stop spending time to follow tens of legislation documents changed by omnibus bills. Check our list of legislation documents affected by omnibus bills.

Always with you everywhere
Simple and responsive design, customizable features like favorite documents,alarms… just be online to keep them all with you everywhere.