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Aşağıda bir kısmını gördüğünüz bu dokümana sadece Profesyonel + pakete abone olan üyelerimiz erişebilir.

4.If the Acquisition of the Shares and Voting Rights is a Result of a Legal Requirement or if the Thresholds are Exceeded Unintentionally Then the Capital Markets Board May Grant an Exemption Provided That the Purchaser Undertakes to Sell Such Portion of Shares Necessitating the Tender Offer

Sometimes, it is possible to exceed thresholds specified in the Communiqué, by acquiring…

3.When the Acquisition of the Shares and Voting Rights of a Corporation Would Not Cause Any Change in the Control of Management Due to the Capital Distribution of the Corporation
5.Granting Exemption in Accordance With Aims of Privatization Process